Privacy Statement

Hang Lung Group Limited, Hang Lung Properties Limited, as well as their associated companies, branches, representative offices and other affiliated or related companies from time to time (collectively “our Group”, “we” or “us”) are committed to protecting your personal data privacy in accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Chapter 486 of the Laws of The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China (“Hong Kong”)) (the “Ordinance”).

We shall ensure strict compliance by our staff of this Privacy Statement. Please read the following carefully to understand our policy on personal data privacy protection.

Collection of Personal Data

In the course of using our services or our website (including but not limited to a user of the “Hang Lung Malls App (恒隆商場手機應用程式)” (whether as a member of the “hello Hang Lung Malls Rewards Program (hello恒隆商場獎賞計劃)” or not)), you may be asked to provide us with your personal data (which include but are not limited to your name and contact details). All personal data collected by us through this website or through any other medium are to be provided voluntarily by you and you are not obliged to supply the personal data, however if you do not provide your personal data (whether compulsory or optional) we may not be able to provide the relevant services to you. We may also generate and compile information about you. Personal information and particulars provided by you and all information gathered and compiled by us about you from time to time is collectively referred to as “Personal Data”. 

If we wish to collect your Personal Data through this website or through any other medium, we will first provide you with a Personal Information Collection Statement, which sets out the purposes for which we will use your Personal Data and the rights you have to access, correct and control our use of your Personal Data.

Purposes of Collecting Personal Data

The purposes for which your Personal Data may be used are as follows:

  1. to send you marketing materials and promote services and products to you (with your consent as obtained in accordance with the section “Use and Transfer of Personal Data in Direct Marketing” below);
  2. to supply you with products and services, including reservation services and online services via our websites or any other medium relating to our portfolios of properties;
  3. to verify your identity in connection with any of the services, products and/or facilities that we may supply to you including payment for those services and products;
  4. to communicate with you by email, mail, fax, phone or other means, including contacting you regarding redemption of shopping/dining privileges or offers and responding to your enquiries;
  5. to conduct research to better understand your shopping, dining and spending preferences, interests, experiences and/or habits, including for the purpose of designing new and/or enhancing existing services, products and activities;
  6. to operate and administer any membership clubs, loyalty programmes and reward programmes (including but not limited to the “hello Hang Lung Malls Rewards Program (hello恒隆商場獎賞計劃)” (if you are a member thereof));
  7. to make disclosure when required by law, regulation, or court order of any jurisdiction, and/or as requested by any government, regulatory or law enforcement authority or administrative organisation, which may be within or outside Hong Kong;
  8. to establish legal claims or defences, obtain legal advice, and/or exercise, defend and/or protect the rights or properties of any member of our Group, including identifying, contacting or bringing legal action against any person who may be causing interference with such rights or properties (whether intentionally or otherwise) or where any other person could be harmed or property of any other person could be damaged by such interfering activities;
  9. to share Personal Data with any member of our Group which is engaged in property development for sales and leasing, property investment for rental income, other investments and other activities incidental thereto (including but not limited to car park management, property management and the provision of dry and laundry cleaning services) in connection with any of the above purposes and/or any of the services, products and/or facilities that any member of our Group may offer or supply to you from time to time; and/or
  10. any other incidental or associated purposes relating to the above, or any other purpose to which you may from time to time agree.

Disclosure and Transfer of Personal Data

Personal Data held by us will be kept confidential but we may provide or transfer the Personal Data for the purposes mentioned above to:

  1. any member of our Group;
  2. any agent, contractor or third party who provides administrative, marketing and research, data processing, telemarketing, telecommunications, payment, computer or other services to us and/or our Group and who has a duty of confidentiality to the same;
  3. other business partners (e.g. loyalty programme operators/other companies involved in providing customer services);
  4. credit reference agencies, credit, debit and/or charge card companies and/or banks;
  5. any person to whom our Group is under an obligation to make disclosure under the requirements of any law binding on our Group or for the purposes of any guidelines issued by regulatory or other authorities with which our Group is expected to comply; and
  6. any person under a duty of confidentiality to us (including our accountants, legal advisors or other professional advisors).

We may transfer your Personal Data to the above parties outside Hong Kong for the purposes mentioned above.

Use and Transfer of Personal Data in Direct Marketing

From time to time with your consent, we and any of the Permitted Classes of Persons (as defined below), intend to market or promote goods, services, facilities, activities or promotions within the Classes of Marketing Subjects (as defined below) to you. We may not use or provide your Personal Data for direct marketing purposes without obtaining your consent (which we will seek to obtain at Personal Data collection points either in data collection forms or on our website or through the “Hang Lung Malls App (恒隆商場手機應用程式)” and activities incidental to operating and administering the “hello Hang Lung Malls Rewards Program (hello恒隆商場獎賞計劃)”) in accordance with the applicable laws, rules and regulations. 

In connection with the above, we intend to:

  1. use your name and contact information to market and promote the following categories of goods or services: properties (both residential and commercial), restaurants and dining privileges, hotels, spa facilities and services, sporting equipment/activities and facilities, cinemas, entertainment/cultural activities and facilities, books and stationery, toys and educational goods, clothing, footwear, fashion accessories, food and beverages, florists, eyewear, jewellery, watches, health and beauty products/services, motor vehicles, car parking facilities, banking and financial services, electronic appliances and home appliances/furnishings whether such goods and services are provided by our Group or by tenants of our commercial properties (collectively, the “Classes of Marketing Subjects”); and
  2. provide your name and contact details to providers of any of the Classes of Marketing Subjects within and outside our Group (the “Permitted Classes of Persons”) so that they may send you direct marketing.

You may write to our contact at the address below or contact us via the contact information provided in our marketing materials to opt out of direct marketing from us or the Permitted Class of Persons at any time. We will never transfer your Personal Data for gain.

Retention of Personal Data

We will keep your Personal Data for as long as necessary to fulfil the purpose for which the Personal Data was collected. Personal Data which is no longer required will be destroyed.

Security of Personal Data

We will take appropriate measures to ensure that your Personal Data is properly protected. However, there is no security guarantee for any data transmission over the internet and you transmit all such data at your own risk. Once we receive your transmission, only our authorized employees or contractors will be able to access your Personal Data.


Links on this website may link to websites maintained by other third parties. These third parties may have their own privacy policies and practices which might not be bound by this Privacy Statement. We make no representation or warranty regarding the accuracy, timeliness, suitability or any other aspect of the information and content on such websites. Access to and use of such other websites is at your own risk and subject to the terms and conditions applicable to such websites.

Web Logs/ Cookies

When you visit our website, we shall make a record of your visit only for preparing general statistics on the usage of this website to improve the effectiveness of our marketing and promotional activities. Unless we specifically indicate to you that we intend to collect your Personal Data and require you to check a box to agree to such collection, we do not collect any Personal Data from you during your browsing of this website.

We shall also place a cookie in your browser. A cookie is a small file which contains anonymous information about your preferences and navigation pattern in particular sites, including your IP (internet protocol) address, browser type and the city-level location of your internet service provider, thus enabling website owners to provide more useful features for their users. The data collected by means of “cookies” will not be disclosed to any third parties except to any member within our Group or the agents of our Group, will not be combined with any other information, and will only be used to provide troubleshooting services.

If you wish to disable the cookies, you may do so by changing the setting of your browser. However, in that event, you may not be able to make full use of our website.

Access to and Correction of Personal Data

Pursuant to the Ordinance, you have the right to request access to and correction of your Personal Data held by us. Such enquiries or requests should be addressed to:
Data Protection Officer
Hang Lung Properties Limited
Address: 28/F, Standard Chartered Bank Building, 4 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong


In case of any discrepancy between the different language versions in respect of any part or all of this policy, the English version shall prevail.

We reserve the right to review, edit, vary or change this Privacy Statement at our sole discretion and without prior notice. If any amended version of the Privacy Statement results in any changes to the way we handle your Personal Data that require your consent, we will bring the amended Privacy Statement to your attention.

© 2024 Hang Lung Properties Limited. All rights reserved.