Visually Impaired Youths Pursue Diverse Development Opportunities

Sustainability | Mar 28, 2024

Physical disabilities do not hinder the enthusiasm to pursue dreams. With confidence and courage, one can break through obstacles and unleash their talents.

Last year, Hang Lung established “The Hang Lung Scholarship and Development Donation for the Visually Impaired” in partnership with the Ebenezer School & Home for the Visually Impaired. The two recipients of the inaugural scholarship are Ding Yijie, currently studying for a Master's Degree in Music, majoring in violin performance, at The Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts, and Yao Ka Chun, a first-year undergraduate studying for a Bachelor of Social Sciences at The University of Hong Kong. Both have shared their development opportunities and experiences since receiving the scholarship.


“The scholarship provides financial assistance and supports my diversified development, enabling me to receive specialized violin training beyond the confines of the classroom. This has significantly enhanced my skills, allowing me to perform intricate and challenging musical pieces. The sense of fulfillment drives me to practice harder, hoping to step onto larger and more prestigious stages in the future.”

Ding Yijie, The Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts

“The biggest support given by the scholarship is providing me with more space and motivation to explore various possibilities. On one hand, I can delve into various fields of study, broaden my horizons, and expand my knowledge. On the other hand, it has given me the opportunity to embrace university life to the full, fostering my personal growth and transformation.”

Yao Ka Chun, The University of Hong Kong


Click here for the full interview.

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